
Real Estate

No. 1/ Standard Condos
Under 1,000 sqft
15-20 images provided
MLS, social, and print quality
Uploaded to Server for Easy Approval, Access and Sharing
48-Hour Turnaround
No. 2/ Large Condos and Homes
Under 2,000 sqft
20-25 images provided
MLS, social, and print quality
Uploaded to Server for Easy Approval, Access and Sharing
48-Hour Turnaround
No. 3/ Large Homes
2,000-3,000 sqft
25+ images provided
MLS, social, and print quality
Uploaded to Server for Easy Approval, Access and Sharing
48-Hour Turnaround
No. 4/ Manors & Mansions
3,000-5,000 sqft
30+ images provided
MLS, social, and print quality
Uploaded to Server for Easy Approval, Access and Sharing
48-Hour Turnaround
Extra Commission
Starting from $149
$149 // Twilight Add-On
$149 // Personalized Hosted Website
$349 // Stabilized Showcase Video (1,500 - 2,500 sqft)
$449 // Stabilized Showcase Video (2,500-4,000 sqft)
Uploaded to Server for Easy Approval, Access and Sharing
72-Hour minimum turnaround

CorporateĀ Events

One Photographer
Professionally Dressed
Ideal for events staged in one area
Ideal for less than 75 guests
Professionally edited images
Uploaded to Server for Easy Access and Sharing
72-Hour Turnaround Time
Two Photographers
Professionally Dressed
Ideal for events where having multiple angles or being discrete is important
Ideal for between 75 and 150 guests
Professionally edited images
Uploaded to Server for Easy Access and Sharing
72-Hour Turnaround Time
Two Photographers and one Videographer
Professionally Dressed
Ideal for larger events where video coverage is required.
Ideal for more than 150 guests
Professionally edited images and video
Uploaded to Server for Easy Access and Sharing
72-Hour Turnaround Time



Starting from $1800
One Photographer
8-hours of coverage
Professionally Dressed
Ideal for events staged in one area
Ideal for less than 75 guests
Professionally edited images
Uploaded to Server for Easy Access and Sharing
Bells and Whistles
Starting from $2100
Two Photographers
8-hours of coverage
Professionally Dressed
Ideal for events where having multiple angles or being discrete is important
Ideal for between 75 and 150 guests
Professionally edited images
Uploaded to Server for Easy Access and Sharing
